可见光 人眼的可见光波谱范围约为370nm~730nm
光谱表示 SPD(spectral power distribution): 光谱功率分布
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 template <int nSamples>class CoefficientSpecturm { public : <CoefficientSpecturm public method> protected : <CoefficientSpecturm protected data> };
1 2 <CoefficientSpecturm protected data> = float c[nSamples];
SampleSpectrum 这种方法是将光谱重新均匀采样来进行拟合
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 <Spectrum Utility Declarations> = static const int sampledLambdaStart = 370 ; static const int sampledLambdaEnd = 700 ; static const int nSpectralSamples = 30 ; <Spectrum Declarations> = class SampledSpectrum : public CoefficientSpectrum<nSpectralSamples> { public : <SampledSpectrum public Methods> private : <SampledSpectrum Private Data> };
然后将此折线图划分为30个区域,如上图:[400,410) , [410,420)….[690,700)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 static SampledSpectrum FromSampled (const float * lambda , const float * v , int n) { <Sort samples if unordered, use sorted for returned spectrum> SampledSpectrum r; for (int i = 0 ; i < nSpectralSamples; i++) { <Compute average value of given SPD over ith sample' s range> } }
1 2 3 4 5 <Compute average value of given SPD over ith sample' s range>= float lambda0 = Lerp(float (i) / float (nSpectralSamples) , sampledLambdaStart , sampledLambdaEnd); float lambda1 = Lerp(float (i+1 ) / float (nSpectralSamples) , sampledLambdaStart , sampledLambdaEnd); r.c[i] = AverageSpectrumSamples(lambda, v, n, lambda0, lambda1);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 <Spectrum Method Definitions> = float AverageSpectrumSamples(const float * lambda , const float * vals , int n , float lambdaStart , float lambdaEnd) { <handles case with out-of bounds range or single sample only> float sum = 0.0f ; <Add contribute of constant segments before/after samples> <Advance to first relevant wavelength , segment> <Loop over wavelength sample segments and add contributes> return sum / (lambdaEnd - lanbdaStart); }
1 2 3 4 <handles case with out-of bounds range or single sample only> = if (lambdaEnd <= lambda[0 ]) return lambda[0 ]; if (lambdaStart >= lambda[n - 1 ]) return lambda[n - 1 ]; if (n == 1 ) return lambda[0 ];
1 2 3 4 5 <Add contribute of constant segments before/after samples> = if (lambdaStart < lambda[0 ]) sum += vals[0 ] * (lambda[0 ] - lambdaStart); if (lambdaEnd > lambda[n - 1 ]) sum += vals[n - 1 ] * (lambdaEnd - lambda[n - 1 ]);
1 2 3 <Advance to first relevant wavelength , segment> = int i = 0 ; while (lambdaStart > lambeda[i+1 ]) ++i;
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 <Loop over wavelength sample segments and add contributes> #define INTERP(w,i)\ Lerp(((w) - lambda[(i)]) / (lambda[(i) + 1 ] - lambda[(i)]) , vals[(i)] , vals[(i) + 1 ]) #define SEG_AVG(wl0,wl1,i) (0.5f * (INTERP(wl0,i) + INTERP(wl1,i))) for (; i+1 < n && lambdaEnd >= lambda[i]; i++) { float segStart = max(lambdaStart , lambda[i]); float segEnd = min(lambdaEnd , lambda[i+1 ]); sum += SEG_AVG(segStart,segEnd,i) * (segEnd - segStart); } #undef INTERP #undef SEG_AVG
$$x_\lambda = \frac{1}{\int Y(\lambda)d\lambda}\int_\lambda S(\lambda)X(\lambda)d\lambda$$
$$y_\lambda = \frac{1}{\int Y(\lambda)d\lambda}\int_\lambda S(\lambda)Y(\lambda)d\lambda$$
$$z_\lambda = \frac{1}{\int Y(\lambda)d\lambda}\int_\lambda S(\lambda)Z(\lambda)d\lambda$$
1 2 3 4 5 6 <Spectral Data Declarations> = static const int nCIESamples = 471 ; extern const float CIE_X[nCIESamples]; extern const float CIE_Y[nCIESamples]; extern const float CIE_Z[nCIESamples]; extern const float CIE_lambda[nCIESamples];
1 2 3 <SampledSpectrum Private Data> = static SampledSpectrum X , Y , Z; static float yInt;
1 2 3 4 5 6 <SampledSpectrum Public Methods> += static void Init() { <Compute XYZ matching functions for SampledSpectrum> <Compute RGB to spectrum functions for SampledSpectrum> }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 <Compute XYZ matching functions for SampledSpectrum> = for (int i = 0 ; i < nSpectralSamples; i++) { float wl0 = Lerp(float (i) / float (nSpectrualSamples) , sampledLambdaStart , sampledLambdaEnd); float wl1 = Lerp(float (i+1 ) / float (nSpectrualSamples) , sampledLambdaStart , sampledLambdaEnd); X.c[i] = AverageSpectrumSamples(CIE_lambda, CIE_X, nCIESamples, wl0, wl1); Y.c[i] = AverageSpectrumSamples(CIE_lambda, CIE_Y, nCIESamples, wl0, wl1); Z.c[i] = AverageSpectrumSamples(CIE_lambda, CIE_Z, nCIESamples, wl0, wl1); yInt += Y.c[i]; }
$$x_\lambda \approx \frac{1} {\int Y(\lambda)d\lambda} \sum_i X_i c_i$$
$$y_\lambda \approx \frac{1} {\int Y(\lambda)d\lambda} \sum_i Y_i c_i$$
$$z_\lambda \approx \frac{1} {\int Y(\lambda)d\lambda} \sum_i Z_i c_i$$
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 <SampledSpectrum Public Methods> += void ToXYZ(float xyz[3 ]) const { xyz[0 ] = xyz[1 ] = xyz[2 ] = 0.0f ; for (int i = 0 ; i < nSpectralSamples; i++) { xyz[0 ] += X.c[i] * c[i]; xyz[1 ] += Y.c[i] * c[i]; xyz[2 ] += Z.c[i] * c[i]; } xyz[9 ] /= yInt; xyz[1 ] /= yInt; xyz[2 ] /= yInt; }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 <SampledSpectrum public Methods> += float y() const { float yy = 0.0f ; for (int i = 0 ; i < nSpectralSamples; i++) { yy += Y.c[i] * c[i]; } return yy / yInt; }
$$ \begin{align} r = \int R(\lambda)S(\lambda)d\lambda &= \int R(\lambda)(x_\lambda X(\lambda) + y_\lambda Y(\lambda) + z_\lambda Z(\lambda))d\lambda \notag\\ &=x_\lambda \int R(\lambda)X(\lambda)d\lambda + y_\lambda \int R(\lambda)Y(\lambda)d\lambda + z_\lambda \int R(\lambda) Z(\lambda)d\lambda\notag \end{align} $$
$$ \begin{bmatrix} r \\ g \\ b \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} \int R(\lambda)X(\lambda)d\lambda & \int R(\lambda)Y(\lambda)d\lambda & \int R(\lambda)Z(\lambda)d\lambda\\ \int G(\lambda)X(\lambda)d\lambda & \int G(\lambda)Y(\lambda)d\lambda & \int G(\lambda)Z(\lambda)d\lambda \\ \int B(\lambda)X(\lambda)d\lambda & \int B(\lambda)Y(\lambda)d\lambda & \int B(\lambda)Z(\lambda)d\lambda \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} x_\lambda \\ y_\lambda \\ z_\lambda \end{bmatrix} $$
对于高清电视而言: $$ \begin{bmatrix} r \\ g \\ b \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} 3.240479 & -1.537150 & -0.498535\\ -0.969256 & 1.875991 & 0.041556 \\ 0.055648 & -0.204043 & 1.057311 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} x_\lambda \\ y_\lambda \\ z_\lambda \end{bmatrix} $$
计算得到的RGB是在linear space,需要Gamma矫正才能变换到sRGB空间
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <Spectrum Utility Declarations> += inline void XYZToRGB(const float xyz[3 ] , float rgb[3 ]) { rgb[0 ] = 3.240479 * xyz[0 ] - 1.537150 * xyz[1 ] - 0.498535 * xyz[2 ]; rgb[1 ] =-0.969256 * xyz[0 ] + 1.875991 * xyz[1 ] + 0.041556 * xyz[2 ]; rgb[2 ] = 0.055648 * xyz[0 ] - 0.204043 * xyz[1 ] + 1.057311 * xyz[2 ]; }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <Spectrum Utility Declarations> += inline void RGBToXYZ(const float rgb[3 ], float xyz[3 ]) { xyz[0 ] = 0.412453 * rgb[0 ] + 0.357580 * rgb[1 ] + 0.180423 * rgb[2 ]; xyz[1 ] = 0.212671 * rgb[0 ] + 0.715160 * rgb[1 ] + 0.072169 * rgb[2 ]; xyz[2 ] = 0.019334 * rgb[0 ] + 0.119193 * rgb[1 ] + 0.950227 * rgb[2 ]; }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <SampledSpectrum Public Methods> += void ToRGB(flaot rgb[3 ]) const { float xyz[3 ]; ToXYZ(xyz); XYZToRGB(xyz,rgb); }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 <Spectrual Data Declaration> += static const int nRGB2SpectSamples = 32 ; extern const float RGB2SpectLambda[nRGB2SpectSamples]; extern const float RGBRefl2SpectWhite[nRGB2SpectSamples]; extern const float RGBRefl2SpectCyan[nRGB2SpectSamples]; extern const float RGBRefl2SpectMagenta[nRGB2SpectSamples]; extern const float RGBRefl2SpectYellow[nRGB2SpectSamples]; extern const float RGBRefl2SpectRed[nRGB2SpectSamples]; extern const float RGBRefl2SpecGreen[nRGB2SpectSamples]; extern const float RGBRefl2SpectBlue[nRGB2SpectSamples]; extern const float RGBIllum2SpectWhite[nRGB2SpectSamples]; extern const float RGBIllum2SpectCyan[nRGB2SpectSamples]; extern const float RGBIllum2SpectMagenta[nRGB2SpectSamples]; extern const float RGBIllum2SpectYellow[nRGB2SpectSamples]; extern const float RGBIllum2SpectRed[nRGB2SpectSamples]; extern const float RGBIllum2SpectGreen[nRGB2SpectSamples]; extern const float RGBIllum2SpectBlue[nRGB2SpectSamples];
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 <SampledSpectrum Private Data> static SampledSpectrum rgbRelf2SpectWhite; static SampledSpectrum rgbRelf2SpectCyan; static SampledSpectrum rgbRelf2SpectMagenta; static SampledSpectrum rgbRelf2SpectYellow; static SampledSpectrum rgbRelf2SpectRed; static SampledSpectrum rgbRelf2SpectGreen; static SampledSpectrum rgbRelf2SpectBlue; static SampledSpectrum rgbIllum2SpectWhite; static SampledSpectrum rgbIllum2SpectCyan; static SampledSpectrum rgbIllum2SpectMagenta; static SampledSpectrum rgbIllum2SpectYellow; static SampledSpectrum rgbIllum2SpectRed; static SampledSpectrum rgbIllum2SpectGreen; static SampledSpectrum rgbIllum2SpectBlue;
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 <Compute RGB to spectrum functions for SampledSpectrum> = float wl0 = Lerp(float (i) / float (nSpectralSamples),sampledLambdaStart, sampledLambdaEnd); float wl1 = Lerp(float (i+1 ) / float (nSpectralSamples),sampledLambdaStart, sampledLambdaEnd); rgbRefl2SpectWhite.c[i] = AverageSpectrumSamples(RGB2SpectLambda, RGBRefl2SpectWhite, nRGB2SpectSamples, wl0, wl1); rgbRefl2SpectCyan.c[i] = AverageSpectrumSamples(RGB2SpectLambda, RGBRefl2SpectCyan, nRGB2SpectSamples, wl0, wl1); rgbRefl2SpectMagenta.c[i] = AverageSpectrumSamples(RGB2SpectLambda, RGBRefl2SpectMagenta, nRGB2SpectSamples, wl0, wl1); rgbRefl2SpectYellow.c[i] = AverageSpectrumSamples(RGB2SpectLambda, RGBRefl2SpectYellow, nRGB2SpectSamples, wl0, wl1); rgbRefl2SpectRed.c[i] = AverageSpectrumSamples(RGB2SpectLambda, RGBRefl2SpectRed, nRGB2SpectSamples, wl0, wl1); rgbRefl2SpectGreen.c[i] = AverageSpectrumSamples(RGB2SpectLambda, RGBRefl2SpectGreen, nRGB2SpectSamples, wl0, wl1); rgbRefl2SpectBlue.c[i] = AverageSpectrumSamples(RGB2SpectLambda, RGBRefl2SpectBlue, nRGB2SpectSamples, wl0, wl1); rgbIllum2SpectWhite.c[i] = AverageSpectrumSamples(RGB2SpectLambda, RGBIllum2SpectWhite, nRGB2SpectSamples, wl0, wl1); rgbIllum2SpectCyan.c[i] = AverageSpectrumSamples(RGB2SpectLambda, RGBIllum2SpectCyan, nRGB2SpectSamples, wl0, wl1); rgbIllum2SpectMagenta.c[i] = AverageSpectrumSamples(RGB2SpectLambda, RGBIllum2SpectMagenta, nRGB2SpectSamples, wl0, wl1); rgbIllum2SpectYellow.c[i] = AverageSpectrumSamples(RGB2SpectLambda, RGBIllum2SpectYellow, nRGB2SpectSamples, wl0, wl1); rgbIllum2SpectRed.c[i] = AverageSpectrumSamples(RGB2SpectLambda, RGBIllum2SpectRed, nRGB2SpectSamples, wl0, wl1); rgbIllum2SpectGreen.c[i] = AverageSpectrumSamples(RGB2SpectLambda, RGBIllum2SpectGreen, nRGB2SpectSamples, wl0, wl1); rgbIllum2SpectBlue.c[i] = AverageSpectrumSamples(RGB2SpectLambda, RGBIllum2SpectBlue, nRGB2SpectSamples, wl0, wl1);
$$if \quad r < g < b$$
$$(r,g,b) = (r,r,r)+(0,g-r,g-r)+(0,0,b-g)=r(1,1,1)+(g-r)(0,1,1)+(b-g)(0,0,1)$$
$$if \quad r < b < g$$
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 <Spectrum Utility Declaration> += enum SpectrumType {SPECTRUM_REFLECTANCE, SPECTRUM_ILLUMINANT}; <Spectrum Method Definitions> += SampledSpectrum SampledSpectrum::FromRGB(const float rgb[3 ] , SpectrumType type) { SampledSpectrum r; if (type == SPECTRUM_REFLECTANCE) { <Convert reflectance spectrum to RGB> } else { <Convert illuminant spectrum to RGB> } return r.Clamp(); } <Convert reflectance spectrum to RGB> = if (rgb[0 ] <= rgb[1 ] && rgb[0 ] <= rgb[2 ]) { <Compute reflectance SampledSpectrum with rgb[0 ] as minimum> } else if (rgb[1 ] <= rgb[0 ] && rgb[1 ] <= rgb[2 ]) { <Compute reflectance SampledSpectrum with rgb[1 ] as minimum> } else { <Compute reflectance SampledSpectrum with rgb[2 ] as minimum> } <Compute reflectance SampledSpectrum with rgb[0 ] as minimum> = r += rgb[0 ] * rgbRefl2SpectWhite; if (rgb[1 ] <= rgb[2 ]) { r += (rgb[1 ] - rgb[0 ]) * rgbRefl2SpectCyan; r += (rgb[2 ] - rgb[1 ]) * rgbRefl2SpectBlue; } else { r += (rgb[2 ] - rgb[0 ]) * rgbRefl2SpectCyan; r += (rgb[1 ] - rgb[2 ]) * rgbRefl2SpectGreen; }
RGBSpectrum RGBSpectrum使用R,G,B分量的加权和来表示SPDs
1 2 3 4 5 6 <Spectrum Declarations> += class RGBSpectrum : public CofficientSpectrum<3 > { public : <RGBSpectrum Public Methods> };
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 <RGBSpectrum Public Methods> += static RGBSpectrum FromRGB(const float rgb[3 ], SpectrumType type = SPECTRUM_REFLECTION) { RGBSpectrum s; s.c[0 ] = rgb[9 ]; s.c[1 ] = rgb[1 ]; s.c[2 ] = rgb[2 ]; return s; } <RGBSpectrum Public Methods> += void TOrgb(float * rgb) const { rgb[0 ] = c[0 ]; rgb[1 ] = c[1 ]; rgb[2 ] = c[2 ]; }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 <RGBSpectrum Public Methods> += static RGBSpectrum FromSampled(const float * lambda, const float * v, int n) { float xyz[3 ] = {0 ,0 ,0 }; float yint = 0.0f ; for (int i = 0 ; i < nCIESamples; i++) { yint += CIE_Y[i]; float val = InterpolateSpectrumSamples(lambda, v, n, CIE_lambda[i]); xyz[0 ] += val * CIE_X[i]; xyz[1 ] += val * CIE_Y[i]; xyz[2 ] += val * CIE_Z[i]; } xyz[0 ] /= yint; xyz[1 ] /= yint; xyz[2 ] /= yint; return FromXYZ(xyz); } <Spectrum Method Definitions> += float InterpolateSpectrumSamples(const float * lambda, const float * vals, int n, float l) { if (l <= lambda[0 ]) return vals[0 ]; if (l >= lambda[n-1 ]) return vals[n-1 ]; for (int i=0 ; i < n-1 ; i++) { if (l >= lambda[i] && l <= lambda[i+1 ]) { float t = (l - lambda[i]) / (lambda[i+1 ] - lambda[i]); return Lerp(t , vals[i] , vals[i+1 ]); } } }
LinearSpace RGB to sRGB $$ \begin{equation} C_{srgb}= \begin{cases} 12.92C_{linear} & C_{linear} \leq 0.0031308 \notag\\[2ex] (1+\alpha)C_{linear}^{\frac{1}{2.4}} - \alpha & C_{linear} > 0.0031308 \end{cases} \end{equation} $$